analogized to Dworkin’s adjudicative theory of law, in particular, his interpretive theory of law. To more effectively reveal the methods of Confucian jurisprudence and therefore carry out a comparison with Dworkin’s interpretive theory of law, this article adopts Dworkin’s methodology of focusing on “hard cases.”


Hart, Fuller, Dworkin, and Fragile Norms Joseph Mendola Follow this and additional works at: This Symposium is brought to you for free and open access by the Law Journals at SMU Scholar. It has been accepted for inclusion in SMU Law Review by an authorized administrator of SMU Scholar.

to hard cases allows us to best understand a judge’s theory, method of adjudication, and what is most novel about his or her adjudicative approach. I also adopt Dworkin’s definition of a “hard case,” which he defines as a case where “no settled rule dictates a decision either way . . . .”8 In other Dworkin’s critique centred around what he perceived to be Hart’s endorsement of judicial discretion in the penumbral area; Dworkin’s views (later developed into a full-blown theory) are that judges do not, and ought not to, exercise discretion, save in a very limited manner (see, especially, Dworkin 1978, 1985, 1986).It ought to be mentioned, at this juncture, that such a critique ought 2016-08-06 Dworkin, the most famous critic of Hart’s theory of judicial interpretation, was Hart’s successor to the Chair of Jurisprudence at Oxford University. Against Hart, Dworkin maintains that even in unclear cases there is always one correct decision, although what this decision might be is unknown.

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Habermas J: Between Facts and Norms. Hart H L A: The  av C Strömberg · Citerat av 1 — 17 Dworkin, 1986, s. 255–256. rättspositivisten Herbert Hart att lagens existens är beroende av det sociala av regler har blivit accepterat.19 Hart, som är s.k.. —Som rättsfilosofen H. L. A. Hart framhåller är det av stor vikt för en Ronald Dworkin, som var anhängare av en oinskränkt yttrandefrihet.

av L Gabrielsson · 2013 — framställning.50 Enligt Hart består den gällande rätten av sådana påbud som fastställts rättspositivismen och det är även hans slutsatser som Ronald Dworkin 

Hart har blivit kritiserad, bl.a av sin egen efterträdare Dworkin, i den sk. Episode 10: Hart on Law and Morality. Audio Player Episode 8: The Hart-Dworkin Debate.

Hart dworkin

1 Dworkin, Ronald, Law's Empire, Hart Publishing, Oxford och Portland, Oregon, 1986. 2 Mackie, John, The Third Theory of Law, Philosophy and Public Affairs 7 

In a sentence that was later to prove important in the division of positivism into the Inclusive and Exclusive camps, 2019-11-10 The Hart–Dworkin debate is a debate in legal philosophy between H. L. A. Hart and Ronald Dworkin.At the heart of the debate lies a Dworkinian critique of Hartian legal positivism, specifically, the theory presented in Hart's book The Concept of Law. In this essay, I will not take sides in this controversy over Hart's reply to Dworkin. I will be interested, rather, in a more preliminary matter, namely, in attempting to set out the basic subject matter of the debate. My chief concern, therefore, will be to identify the core issue around which the Hart–Dworkin debate is organized. HART, DWORKIN, JUDGES, AND NEW LAW 1. Preface Ronald Dworkin, beginning in about 1967, has written a series of ar ticles1 attacking the dominant contemporary theory of law, the legal positivism of H. L. A. Hart.

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Hart dworkin

This paper will examine both H.L.A Hart and Ronald Dworkin’s position in the theories of law and will try to determine who has won the ‘famous’ debate between the two. Having considered both sides of the argument, I would have to say that Ronald Dworkin’s argument was better than H.L.A Hart’s argument.

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Hart’s positivism and Ronald Dworkin’s early theory of law.2 Contrary to Leiter’s assertion that “on the particulars of the Hart/Dworkin debate, there has been a clear victor,”31 argue that the debate itself has been largely exaggerated on both sides.

If Dworkin can prove all of these points, he will have shown that Hart’s theory is incomplete. Hart’s theory for international law culminates in viewing international law as decidedly law, but an underdeveloped form of it.

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Dworkin is mistaken regarding Hart’s concept of rules, and he consequently errs in his portrayal of Hart’s concept of judicial discretion and his treatment of principles. I conclude by citing a passage in Taking Rights Seriously where I believe Dworkin clearly concedes victory to Hart’s theory of “soft” positivism.

Dworkin also maintains that Hart’s theory that the law is the union of primary and secondary rules cannot accommodate principles. This is because, he says, principles are not rules themselves andthey cannot be identified using a rule of recognition. If Dworkin can prove all of these points, he will have shown that Hart’s theory is incomplete.

Ronald Dworkin, "The Model of Rules I," in Taking Rights Seriously (Cambridge: Harvard University Press, 1977). 2. H. L. A. Hart, The Concept of Law, Penelope 

61 Hart had said that legal rules were picked out by a socially constituted rule of recognition, but Dworkin rejected the thought that one could distinguish a community’s legal standards from its other standards by appeal to a master rule. 62 Hart, R. Dworkin. Abstract: H. L. A. Hart ’s The Concept of Law (Hart 1994) cont ai ns many pa ssages. tha t have become iconi c f or legal theory. This essay f ocuses on Chapter 7, a legal system is contained in Ronald M. Dworkin's essay, Dworkin, The Model of Rules, 35 U. CHI. L. REV. 14 (1967). Dworkin's principal concern is with Hart's definition of a legal system as a system of rules delimited by a rule of recognition.

Hart, i "Positivism and the Separation of Law and aldrig förstått hur Dworkin kunde bli så upprörd över Hart: Dworkins läsning av  I veckan var det 72 år sedan Andrea Dworkin, författare, radikalfeminist och Dworkins liv var hårt och svårt, kantat av erfarenheter av våld och misshandel,  Boken är skriven av författaren Ronald M Dworkin.